Tuesday, November 12, 2019

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Rallis India Limited Company Distributorship ( Agriculture )

Rallis India Limited Company Distributorship ( Agriculture ) Logo

Rallis India Limited Company Distributorship

About Rallis
  • India's one of the leading agro-chemicals company.
  • Established in 1851.
  • By early 90's, Rallis become the 4th largest seed company in India.
  • Has 5 manufacturing plants in Gujarat & Maharashtra.
  • Network of 2,300 Distributors and 40,000 dealers across India.

Rallis Products Segment Include:

  • Pesticides
  • Seeds
  • Fertilizers
  • Household Products
  • Seeds Treatment Chemicals

Rallis Company Mission: To enhance value for customer by providing agro solution and chemistry led businesses.

Rallis Company Vision: Leveraging customer intimacy, strategic partnership & technology access. Delivering superior investment returns. High employee engagement. Nurturing innovation across value chain. Driving corporate sustainability.

Rallis Company Values: Trust, Excellence, Customer Focus, Care.

Rallis Company Diversification Strategy:

  • Rallis acquired Metahelix Life Sciences.
  • Metahelix is an agricultural biotechnology company.
  • Drive agricultural productivity & yield enhancement.
  • Strengthened seeds portfolio.
  • Expected revenues growth at a CAGR of 37% for FY12E-FY16E.

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